Get Back to Basics

spring at nyc by susan nyc

spring at nyc by susan nyc

The headlines are full.  Every day we see what the professionals are doing or not doing.  We see sports heroes fall from grace, the ones we looked up to because they worked so hard to begin with.  They fall because of money, greed, ego, expectation.  We build them up and we watch them fall.

The debate rages on about why. Is it the athlete’s fault?  The owner’s, the agent’s, the fan’s?  To solve the riddle would be to unravel a web of complication dating back years.  Too many years.  What did it take to get to the top, to get to a level beyond their peers?

What was the Formula?

The headlines are full, and the truth is they might be full for a while.  It seems like the sports debates aren’t going away anytime soon.  Not with 24/7 radio and television leading the charge.  Leading the noise.  Hey we’re sports fans too, and we watch the headlines and the updates.  We watch the games and we watch the shows.  We hear the chatter.  The noise.

Maybe it’s time to get back to basics.

Maybe it’s time we get back to the reason we started playing the games in the first place.  The late afternoon sun peaking out over the trees as we shagged fly balls in the park.  The warm summer nights that made a pick-up game of basketball that much more electric.  Standing in the street waiting for the car to pass before attempting the fourth and goal.  Taking our racket and a couple of balls out to the garage door because we didn’t have anyone to play tennis with, but we had to hit some balls because we love the game so much.

The love of the game.

The leather and the tape.  The shoes.  The balls.  The gear.  The gear sitting in your garage that you haven’t touched in a while.  That burning desire to be a kid again and pull out that old mitt, if only to have a catch.  The smell of the equipment that gets your heart racing, just knowing a game is about to be played.  It’s time to get back to basics, to quiet all the noise so the only sound left is the cheering and laughter that comes with the love of the game.

Do you have the right Formula?

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